Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Are You Wearing Your Helmet Of Salvation?

Are you wearing your helmet of salvation? I know you may look at yourself physically and say no, I mean spiritually that is. Each day upon waking, we are to put on our full Armour of God. And the fifth piece to that armor is the Helmet of salvation!Think of a person who has gone to war, and the importance of making sure their Armour is on and that they are paying attention to their surroundings. Where many of us make our mistakes is by not putting on our full Armour. Many don't know it even exist, and this is what the enemy loves when it comes to God's children. It is imperative to read the bible EVERYDAY! It is filled with so much instruction and knowledge with things that we need. If you don't read the bible you wont know ho to gird up your loins, then in turn leaves you vulnerable for attacks. And then you wonder why you feel like nothing goes right in your life, you are walking around defenseless!

Satan is out to STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY! We must know that those are his intentions which should express the severity of this matter. That helmet of Salvation is crucial, for while in warfare, a blow to the head can not only damage your brain, if hit hard enough it can kill you. I pray that upon waking each morning before your feet even hit the floor that you pray and put on your full Armour. Never leave the house without it!

Helmet Of Salvation- Back in biblical times, the helmets were normally made of thick leather covered with metal plates. The purpose of the helmet was to protect the head while in battle against swords commonly used in during that time. The moment satan can enter into your mind, and begin to influence your thoughts is the moment you have a serious problem that needs to assessed. "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2. Bible is telling you, NOT TO BE CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD. Conform means to be similar in form or type. We are not to be walking around doing what people of the world do, we are to be examples of Christ. 

The renewal of your mind only occurs once you give your lives back to Christ. It is a daily battle that you must be willing to face. Satan is the master of deception, if can alter your thoughts, he then can have full control of you. It all starts with our thinking. If you tell yourself, "Ill never make it in life, nothing is going right in my life, I mine as well just kill myself to get it over with" One, this is suicidal thoughts, one of the main ways satan infiltrates the mind of a believer. Two, scripture states that life and death lies in the power of the tongue. So here you are speaking what you are speaking, and unknowingly, you are spewing death over your situation.

Put on that helmet of salvation and keep your mind girded AT ALL TIMES! Speak life over your mind. Declare with your mouth daily that you have a sound mind, declare and decree that you will have a mind like Christ. When we speak scripture over ourselves, it begins to manifest. Take back your mind, and allow God to fill it with his thoughts and ideas for your life! Stop giving man so much power and influence over your mind, you are destroying what God has given you. When you have a thought that enters your mind that is not of God, IMMEDIATELY REBUKE IT! Don't allow it to sit and fester, bind it up and keep it moving.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me"! Phillipians 4:6. Meaning, there is nothing you can not accomplish as long as you are in the will of God and what it is you are trying to do coincides with the word Of God. So i will ask you again, Do you have on your helmet of Salvation?

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